Thursday, April 15, 2010

the moon licks the sky with a strawberry tongue

How many items am I wearing from Anthropologie? 3. Sometimes I get dressed in a hurry in an outfit I'v worn before and dont have to put much thought into and then halfway through the day, I think of a different shirt I could have worn with that other belt and it would have looked cute and different than the regular outfit. That happened today. So now Im really excited to pair this skirt with a different shirt and belt!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

nothing else will do, ive gotta have you

I have been wanting to wear this necklace from Anthropologie for ever! I bought it in February and hadnt really found anything to wear it with yet, but this was perfect. All that chunky jewelry I've been craving? Finally have some to wear!
Also, I have to say that if I couldnt wear sundresses all the time, I would want to wear high waisted skirts. This was pretty much my outfit to my internship every day last summer. Both the tank top and skirt are from Wish on Montrose. I can't wait to do some summer shopping again in Houston. It feels so good to be outside again! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

time is how you spend your love

All I want to do is wear sundresses. All the time. This only becomes a problem when there is no sun! I took a little trip to the New Orleans Museum of Art's sculpture garden. It is beautiful. They have great works and I a mildly obessed with it. I want to go back when its sunny!! This is the sundress I was talkig about earlier that I bought in the nightgown section of Anthropologie. Cant really tell, can you? It got chilly with all the clouds, so I threw my coral sweater on later.
My goal for future sundress accessorizing: shoes other than these sandals, large chunky jewelry, maybe some light colored tights and different sweaters for the cloudy days? Cant wait for summer!

Here are some more pictures from the day:
One of Louise Bourgeois's spiders! Very cool, although I would love to see one as public art in a different setting.

Claes Oldenburg's Safety Pin. It is my life goal to see his Spoon Bridge with Cherry in Minneanapolis.